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Image by Patryk Sobczak


FARM-LED lighting systems


The goat is considered a species with a seasonal polyestral cycle as it has continuous estral cycles only in some months of the year, interspersed with a period of anestrus whose length varies according to latitude and race.

Specifically, it should be noted that depending on the age and production stage in which the animals are found, they will need different lighting conditions.


As regards the Dairy Goat in production, where possible, it is ideal to differentiate the areas of the zootechnical shelter:

  • power lane lighting;

  • rest lane lighting.

The values ​​of light intensity must be measured at 1.20 meters in height, ie in correspondence with the photoreceptors of the retinas, which stimulate the pineal gland through the retinohypothalamic nervous tract.


Heat management is essential in order to concentrate the parts in the same period and have a better organization of work and a greater uniformity of the product to be sold.
Since the sale of kids and dairy products made in the Easter and Christmas period allows to obtain a greater income, it is important to CALCULATE THE DATE OF THE PARTIES and consequently of the entry into heat of the goats.
For this purpose it is necessary to try to ADVANCE THE PARTS, in order to have a homogeneous production throughout the year.


LONG DAY: The animals are illuminated with artificial light for 16 consecutive hours a day. At least 200 Lux at animal eye level must be provided over the entire surface of the resting area.

The artificial long days treatment must be applied for 90 consecutive days.

SHORT DAY: the animals are illuminated with artificial or natural light for 12 consecutive hours a day.

The short days treatment must be applied for 60 consecutive days.

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